Games Bandit is extremely excited to be part of the Australian Padawan Ahsoka Tano Early Access allocation.
How will we distribute them? Last week we uploaded a Youtube video out asking you, the community, what you would do if you were in these circumstances. The overwhelming response was to provide them to customers through random draw and that’s exactly how we’re going to do it.
The total units provided are six to raffle off. These will be broken up into four available from the overall sales (including online sales), and remaining two for the Launch and Lets Play Demo itself that we’re hosting in conjunction with C4 Squad Tabletop Gaming - Central Coast NSW. See more details for the event here:
Every Star Wars Shatterpoint Pre-order you purchase will award you tickets into the raffle per the below:
Star Wars Shatterpoint Core Set – 5 Tickets
Star Wars Shatterpoint Hello There: General Kenobi Squad Pack - 3 Tickets
Star Wars Shatterpoint Twice the Pride: Count Dooku Squad Pack - 3 Tickets
Star Wars Shatterpoint Plans and Preparation Squad Pack - 3 Tickets
Star Wars Shatterpoint Appetite for Destruction Squad Pack - 3 Tickets
Star Wars Shatterpoint Jedi Hunters - 3 Tickets
Star Wars Shatterpoint You Cannot Run Duel Pack - 3 Tickets
Star Wars Shatterpoint Plans and Preparation Squad Pack - 3 Tickets
Star Wars Shatterpoint Appetite for Destruction Squad Pack - 3 Tickets
Star Wars Shatterpoint Jedi Hunters - 3 Tickets
Star Wars Shatterpoint You Cannot Run Duel Pack - 3 Tickets
Star Wars Shatterpoint Ground Cover Terrain Pack – 2 Tickets
Star Wars Shatterpoint High Ground Terrain Pack - 2 Tickets
Star Wars Shatterpoint Measuring Tools – 1 Ticket
Star Wars Shatterpoint Dice Pack - 1 Ticket
It will not cost you extra to go into the draw. We are not accepting money for additional raffle tickets, nor will any of the Padawan Ahsoka Tano Early Access units be available for sale. If you have already pre-ordered there's no further action required.
Deadline for entries is Sunday, 28th May 1pm.
This item is not for direct consumer sale, it's an information post.
This item is not for direct consumer sale, it's an information post.